Who will benefit from this program?

The target audience for this program is:

  • Volunteer boards of directors

  • Capital campaign volunteers

These volunteers will be ready to lean into building relationships for fundraising success in their community.

The information shared is accessible, achievable, and bite sized.

There is 80 minutes of content spread out over 10 videos.

By the end of this program, participants will:

  • Learn the steps to building real and meaningful long lasting donor charity relationships

  • Understand what’s holding them back from having meaningful conversations

  • Build in accountability to a successful major gifts program

Every single volunteer is capable of building powerful relationships that will result in big beautiful charitable donations for their mission.

These modules will give them the confidence to start!

Course curriculum

  1. 1
    • Sowing The Seeds for A Relationship

  2. 2
    • Planting the Seeds for Relationships

    • Module 1 Worksheet

  3. 3
    • Who to Invite to Your Garden of Community

    • Module 2 Worksheet

  4. 4
    • Getting In Touch

    • Planting seeds for meaningful relationships

    • Sample Email Outreach Text

  5. 5
    • Things You Need to Know Before a First Meeting

  6. 6
    • The First Meeting

    • 21 Amazing Major Gifts Conversation Starters

  7. 7
    • The End of the First Meeting

  8. 8
    • Follow-Up After the First Meeting

  9. 9
    • Meaningful Conversations and The Tools That Fuel Them

    • How you show up and the tools you use to engage

  10. 10
    • Congrats on Securing Meeting Number Two!

    • Briefing Note for Meeting with XXX

  11. 11
    • Money Mindset and How To Avoid Self Sabotage as a Volunteer

    • Uncovering your own beliefs about money

... Plus tons of bonus material!

The program includes sample documents and reflection prompts to help volunteers get clear on the right, most respectful next step to build long lasting relationships.

  • Sample briefing notes

  • Sample outreach emails to request a meeting

  • Sample phone outreach scripts

  • Sample open ended questions to start conversations

Begin your journey to building stronger relationships.

When you invest in this program, you will:

  • Have access to all the modules for up to 15 board members or volunteers.

  • Allow each board member and/or volunteer to log on and walk through the modules at their own pace. They can also download all the templates and guides.

While the learning is self-directed, the program works best when an organization uses board meetings to debrief on the learnings from the module together.

There is also an option to upgrade the initial Planting Relationship Seeds Program to have Jenny Mitchell participate in person to solidify the learnings.

Meet your coach

Jenny Mitchell

Jenny Mitchell, CFRE, empowers and educates fundraisers to raise more money for their organizations. Trained as a classical musician, Jenny Mitchell brings her creative approach and professional drive to the world of not-for-profits. In her role as a Fundraising consultant, Jenny has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for many different sectors including the Arts, Sport and Recreation, Science, Youth and Social Services. Jenny is passionate about bringing her knowledge of “Fundraising Fundamentals” to organizations all across North America through online fundraising training sessions. She lives in Ottawa, Ontario with her two ringette-playing daughters, and her hockey-loving husband.

This is your chance to create long-lasting donor-charity relationships.