Understanding your own money mindset will change your perception of money forever…and that’s a good thing!

Every one of us has a very personal relationship with money. As fundraising professionals who work with high-net-worth individuals, we first must understand our own money mindset before we can truly serve our donors and our missions fully.

You have to believe you're worthy of the money to raise the money.

How to complete your Money Archetype quiz

1. Purchase the quiz.

2. Complete the quiz and email Jenny with your results.

3. Book a 30 minute call to review your assessment with a certified Money Archetype coach.

Here's what you'll learn:

  • Your dominant money archetype

    There are eight money archetypes. How is your dominant one driving your life without you even knowing it?

  • Your secondary money archetype

    How does it influence your subconscious decisions?

  • How to recognize your donors in these money archetypes

    Learn how you can better serve them, and speak in their preferred money language.

Understanding your own personal money mindset will help you:

  • Ask for larger gifts, more confidently.

  • Ask for a raise at work, while speaking to your boss’ money archetype, resulting in getting the raise you deserve.

  • Speak with your partner in a new money language that brings you closer together, and fuels meaningful conversations about what you value about money.

  • Teach your children how to have a positive mindset about money, so that they can thrive and live abundant lives.

Take control of your relationship with money so you can make more, become comfortable with your new success, and be happier doing it!